I have always lived somewhere in the space between the real world and the world of my imagination.
I love creating with my hands, shaping beads into jewelry, crafting words into stories.
I am a transplanted Midwesterner, residing in California’s world of eternal green. I still remember the feel of the snap of chilly autumn air, and the smell and sound of autumn leaves blown by the wind.
I loved the spooky seasons back then, the night times of the year. The feel of encroaching winter, as fall winds whipped around my building at night, rocking the building while pelting the windows with sheets of cold rain.
I dream of vampires and other creatures of the night who walk under a pale moon that disappears then reappears behind thin wisps of clouds above bare trees.
I love the dark seasons, those times when anything can happen.
I hope you enjoy my writing as well as my reviews of other horror-thriller books and movies.
I also live smack dab in the middle of reality and my vast imagination. I find it’s the best place to be.
And just like you, the dark seasons are my favorite, especially Autumn. It’s almost as though my soul comes alive when the rest of the world dies in preparation for winter.
Glad to find a kindred spirit!
Katy, we’d love to schedule you for tours, but I can’t find you on our host spreadsheet. If you’d like to participate in the program, please fill out the form at this link. We’ll send you a small partnership graphic to place on your site and you’ll be all set to move forward.
Judy and Marianne
sorry.. the link didn’t work. Email us at goddessfish@gmail.com and I’ll send the link to you that way.
I became a fan of horror and all things dark when my father brought home a baby crow and a book by Edgar Allen Poe. My passion now rests in the clawed hands of the monsters I create.
Very nice Bio. I too remember the cold autumn nights that would make you shiver, and not just from the weather. Stopped by via Indies Unlimited
Stopping by from Indies Unlimited. Very nice blog
Indies Unlimited sent me!
Transplanted from the Midwest to the south…we all have a dark side, dark places that feel just right, eh? Hey…hey…hey
Sauntering on over from IU’s Blog-Fest. Hiya!
Stopping by from IU and saying hi.
I love the fall. My birthday is in October. I am still living in the Midwest (MI) and your post took me right into autumn. I know exactly that smell of which you write.
Hi Katy. Visiting from IU.
Hi, came here from IU. Is “Recipees” (Categories) a deliberate misspelling?
Hey, thanks for noticing that!
It’s nice to meet another person who likes the weird and mysterious! I’m here via Indies Unlimited.
Visiting from Indies Unlimited! Very nice and signed up for your email updates! Cheers
Nice blog. Visiting from Indies Unlimited. Have you considered a like button for your posts?
And a scary 2015 to you. Peace.
Lady Hamilton in a Straw Hat (for Katy Mann)
Though hardly gallant, sometimes, to myself,
I yet aspire, at times, to gallantry,
To cross the reach, the overarching gulf
Beauty pitches between herself & me;
To scale the ramparts till I come at last
Almost within sight of beauty’s prize,
Bathe in the light, the lovely look that’s cast
On me, in secret, from her lustrous eyes.
Not that I fail, at times, to measure up
To what I set myself as the ideal,
But that I fail & sometimes come a cropper
When I confront the resoloutly real…
It’s then I find I’m often at a loss
& find that bastion much to hard to cross.
Hello. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a lovely note!